Cosmetics – “Being Beautiful”

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Who doesn’t want to look attractive and luring today! Well, today people are so very cautious about beautifying their body and the way they carry themselves! Are you also in the same league to beautify yourself! So want to know the beauty mantra? A huge number of cosmetics available in the market can do the needful for you. Here are some details on some cosmetics you can use for glorifying beauty.

Cosmetics are beauty products applied onto one’s body to enhance appearance and to beautify one’s skin.  With today’s all time high ecological, health and beauty awareness among customers, cosmetics are available in the form of organic cosmetics, mineral cosmetics and even eco-friendly cosmetics to be in pace with an overwhelming demand for such beauty products.  Also, the concept of “total well-being” is gaining ground due to which people give importance to benefits and ingredients of products.


Today’s youth have a fascination of getting cosmetic tattooing done for permanent results. Also there is a sleek trend seen at having permanent eyeliner on eyelids by young ladies. Special care needs to be put in, in these kinds of cosmetic tattooing. They are usually carried out by trained beauty professionals with joint efforts of a dermatologist, an esthetician or a plastic surgeon. It is a Costly beauty regime but is worth it!

Benefits of Herbal beauty products

The latest craze in skin care is about the oldest – “herbal products”. Herbal beauty products have plant derivatives as their ingredients.  Today, the Indian cosmetics industry has a plethora of herbal cosmetic brands like Forest Essentials, Biotique, Himalaya, Blossom Kochhar, VLCC, Dabur, Lotus and many others. Modern scientific researches have evaluated the cleansing, healing and glorifying effects of many herbs used in herbal beauty products. Benefits of herbal products are wide and varied. They have no side effects, are skin-friendly, contain essential minerals and vitamins to tone your skin at the best. Also, these products contain no fragrances and no artificial colors. Aloe Vera, a well known ingredient in herbal beauty products, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating benefits along with huge amounts of vitamin E and C, and important minerals like Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorous, Sodium, Zinc and amino acids. Aloe Vera also helps in removing wrinkles which hel0ps one to look younger. Rose geranium, an herbal ingredient, contains chemicals that make it an antimicrobial product, lending the plant to use on acne and other skin infections. Grapeseed extract, another herbal cosmetic additive, consists of powerful antioxidants called proanthocyanidins which serves as a good healing agent. Green tea, a popular cleanser ingredient, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and ant carcinogenic properties. Chamomile- an herbal ingredient has been known for its soothing properties. Most reputed and large companies manufacturing beauty products have started using more and more herbs or herbal ingredients in their products.  Divya Kanti Lep (paste) manufactured in Ramdev baba’s Pharmacy is a beneficial regular use herbal paste. Shahnaz Hussain’s beauty products are famous for herbal beauty products.

Benefits of Ayurvedic beauty products

According to Ayurveda the human skin is composed of the five great elements (panchamahabhutas) that constitute the fundamental building-blocks of the universe. Ayurvedic skin ingredients such as Amla, Neem and Tulsi can be taken internally to support the health and appearance of your skin. Amalaki and Ashwagandha provide nourishment for dry skin. Neem and Tulsi help purify and clarify oily skin. Amalaki is soothing and nourishing for sensitive skin. Triphala is excellent for all skin types.

Essential oils are used in ayurvedic therapeutic formulations for their ability to help transport the healing wisdom of herbs and herbal oils to the cells and tissues of the body. Essential oils can be added to massage oils, facial oils, bath water and liquid cleansers, in homemade facials and masks and in floral waters and mists. The rose is renowned in ayurveda that helps you in the nourishment of the skin. Sandalwood is another aroma that helps in cleansing skin and for getting glow on your skin. Lavender (Latin name Lavare which means “to wash”) helps disinfect scalp and skin and enhance blood circulation which helps to glorify your skin. But people possessing sensitive skin should avoid lavender use or products containing Lavender as it may cause them allergic reactions.

Benefits of Home-made beauty products

Home made products have some added advantage to commercial products. These products do not have added chemicals or preservatives hence no side effects are likely to occur.

To remove any blemishes and sun tan, grind the blanched almonds and mix it with white of an egg and add to this half teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply it over face and neck and wash it after some time to get shining and smooth skin. The benefits are egg – a product which smoothens and gives shiny effect to your skin and lemon which fades freckles and age spots and gives you brighter skin tone.

You can use raw milk for cleansing the skin. Dip cotton wool in milk and rub it over your skin for deep cleansing. For dry skin, mash an avocado which is a natural moisturizer and beat it to make a creamy paste. Rub it over your face and neck and wash after some time. Raw milk contains essential vitamins and enzymes which is good for your skin. Acne is a problem witnessed by most young people these days. Raw milk is best treatment for the ones suffering from acne.

For a smooth skin, mesh an over ripe banana and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Blend it well and apply over your face, neck and hands. Banana makes your skin soft and supple. It heals acne, vanishes pimples and renders you a smooth tone with regular usage of this homemade cosmetic product.


3 thoughts on “Cosmetics – “Being Beautiful”

    Jino Jose said:
    November 9, 2010 at 11:27 am

    Hello Ma’m
    hope this post touches everyone and makes skins soft.
    Good find.
    keep it up.


      Emotionalgal responded:
      November 23, 2010 at 10:49 pm

      Thanks Jose for such valuable comments..i appreciate…


        sunita said:
        April 23, 2012 at 7:01 pm

        Good article and very informative.
        Write more on such topics.


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